Saturday, August 17, 2013

We had a busy day Saturday, 8/17/13.
Ever eager Elva Evers washed windows.

This shows that it is the second story.

We pick wild cranberries.  They are small, three or four side by side would be about an inch.

We saw the Alaska pipeline, this is a couple miles across to the opposite hill.

This shows how big and high the pipeline is at this point.  It is mostly underground.

The exposed portion of pipe here is about 300 yds long.

This is an Alaska pig.

The purpose of pigs.
Alaska pigs are different from Iowa pigs.

This is a retired pig.

Have you Iowa farmers retired any of your pigs?

I hope  you can read these.  They give good explanations.

The things on top of the upright are heat exchangers.  They are to keep the holders from melting the permafrost.  The oil in the pipe at this point is about 100 degrees F.

We walked on peat moss.  This is my shoe with no pressure.  I also had a picture when I put my weight down and my shoe sunk in to the top of the shoe.  It was a good picture but my skills don't allow me to put it into the blog.  It was very strange and difficult walking on the peat.  The nearest description would walking on a bed.

We also went to the farmers' market but took no pictures there.  We bought one pound of small tomatoes.  They were small enough that the pound was six tomatoes.  Guess how much they cost  --  $5.00.  Not like Iowa most years where most gardeners are trying to give tomatoes away!

Enjoy church tomorrow.

Larry and Elva


  1. Love the title "Ever Eager Elva Evers". And how true it is. Mom, don't forget you are "retired" now and need to learn to relax some too. So, where did you find the wild cranberries to pick? How do they compare in taste to the cultivated ones we would buy at the store?

  2. I also liked the title E E E E ....

    I think Vernon will be interested in the pipeline pictures. I will have him view them later.
